-in 1980 I was invited to a birthday of a friend Chris PILDITCH
-I bought some comics for him
-I wound up skipping the Party and tried to later give him a few second hand books
-maybe my mind set up all of this
-Superboy 237 'had the story' of Princess PROJECTRA being set up to be the Black Queen Witch of a country. With people thinking books about them would go to everywhere as a channel
-on the Australian Planet Comics reprint of the story. The second hand comic on it's logo
-had black lines on angles over it. The electric CHAIN saw. The hairs I imagined on Mark Wahlberg's legs
-under Super Heroes Album 13A, 13B and 13C on planet6721.tumblr.com
-the BLACK LINES I drew
-PRISON bars
-No PRICE too high- the story title
-the charges aren't dropped because it will close companies
-that year our Teacher GERRY HART / me like MARKY MARK
-told Chris to go outside to a RUBBISH BIN and put his head in it
-people ignore sending people to Prison even if it means some premises become RUBBISH
-and saying these getting comics etc won't really mess up my life
-the BLACK figure coming through my wall with a silent electric CHAINSAW. Like saying not to worry about Deathstroke the Terminator. He also has a type of power sword
-and CHAIN saw. Not to worry about Jenette KAHN
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