Friday, January 24, 2025


-about 1982 in my grandparents' back garden

-I found a GRAPEFRUIT with an equal sized one attached to it




-are CITRUS fruit. Like me Anti CHRIST and CRISIS




-I get same APPEARANCE

-and same CHARACTER



-man like Superman maybe named COSGROVE

-like slide of me naked at MAXWELL Drive. And him at HOT WATER HOLE. And the comment there about going naked

-I must go naked


-my neighbor for years was born on the same date a year later. Was in the same year at School as me. Was the only person I showed the fruit to. Was almost my best friend. Like the PAIR of us




-CORE I got in GREERTON. Effected the Famous FIRST Universe


-maybe I spent time in one version of all space. And God did not see this side

Thursday, January 23, 2025


-in 1985 I was close to being mentally unwell

-like I was confusing reality with fantasy

-one day I broke windows around the neighbors' homes with an axe

-and nearly hit my grandmother May Elsie Ager on the head with it

-the day I got home from the local Psych Ward

-I was standing in my bedroom

-the windows all repaired

-my body for several seconds vibrated and I went blind

-I want to have no real friends. No wife, husband or real partner. No real family contact. If I can never be a real Christian. And never really work apart from music or being a super hero

-the day I got home from the Psych Ward. Home from Matron JANE FRANCE

-no LANE. No Pope FRANCIS. No FRIENDS. No FRIENDLY neighborhood partner. No FIANCES. No JENETTE Kahn

-my body was VIBRATING and I went BLIND

-the Flash BARRY ALLEN

-maybe the body vibrating and me going blind. Was me sending me something saying or setting up for me to have none of these

-I nearly hit my grandmother MAY ELSIE AGER on the head with an axe. MAY or ELSE MESSIAH ANGELS 

-leading up to that. That year I had an ongoing daydream life I was a super hero on that comic book world. In it I had super-speed powers. Like the Flash

-like Barry Allen the Flash collected comics


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Prison Bars

-in 1980 I was invited to a birthday of a friend Chris PILDITCH

-I bought some comics for him

-I wound up skipping the Party and tried to later give him a few second hand books

-maybe my mind set up all of this

-Superboy 237 'had the story' of Princess PROJECTRA being set up to be the Black Queen Witch of a country. With people thinking books about them would go to everywhere as a channel

-on the Australian Planet Comics reprint of the story. The second hand comic on it's logo

-had black lines on angles over it. The electric CHAIN saw. The hairs I imagined on Mark Wahlberg's legs

-under Super Heroes Album 13A, 13B and 13C on 

-the BLACK LINES I drew

-PRISON bars

-No PRICE too high- the story title

-the charges aren't dropped because it will close companies


-that year our Teacher GERRY HART / me like MARKY MARK

-told Chris to go outside to a RUBBISH BIN and put his head in it

-people ignore sending people to Prison even if it means some premises become RUBBISH

-and saying these getting comics etc won't really mess up my life

-the BLACK figure coming through my wall with a silent electric CHAINSAW. Like saying not to worry about Deathstroke the Terminator. He also has a type of power sword

-and CHAIN saw. Not to worry about Jenette KAHN 


Father of all Otumoetai College Students' Children

 -from one year at the High School

-I am the father of every student that year

-their emblem. A flaming torch like a penis

-wavy alternating colored stripes on each side of the torch

-maybe meaning half by sex. Half by my sperm just dropped in the females

-the red flame on top of the torch

-my slightly large pinkish lump on my left thigh

-the stripes on each side of the torch

-like I imagined in a magazine photo of star 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg

-he had fictional leg hairs. Long, black and far spaced

-he modelled underwear. Like the penis shaped torch

-a Radio Countdown DJ said he had a third nipple on his chest that he thought might give him miracle powers

-Otumoetai College EmblemOtumoetai College Emblem

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Silver Birch

 -when my grandparents first came to holiday in my future city Tauranga

-we first tried the Silver Birch Motel

-we didn't stay there

-the room was rundown

-for some reason the room across the middle of it had a string with sheets dividing the room




-SILVER Birch as in David the SHEPHERD

-just up the hill from there is my home I now own

-that's garden gives me my miracle powers


-I might be the False Prophet


-joined once to each other



-my dream of in the Devon Mall were people whose lives were like in Days of our Lives

-means the Days of our Lives series about me


-the Otumoetai College emblem. A FLAMING Torch

-for the Archie like comics about me

-I bought a TRACKER top in the DEVON MALL

-as in the AFTER LIFE

Monday, January 20, 2025

Ager Company

 -I had a dream years ago of an original comic page panel layout

-and original logo for a company called AGER

-my maybe companies I own

-the Disney Company

-DC Comics

-Harvey Comics

-my characters and product ideas

-the group of companies I might have gathered

-the comic page looks like a group of CROSSES

-in the top left hand corner. The name 'A'. In a block capital black 'A' with under it in small text the name 'AGER' in capital block black writing

-the boxes on top have the dialog. Each dialog box relates to the corresponding picture box

-there are a pair of slim rectangle boxes side by side. And a same pair like that directly below it

-and beneath those two large square boxes side by side. And a same pair below those

-I try to allow as many of these companies allow anyone to make them on our world

-on worlds now the size of Jupiter. On one side of the planet the Crosses / squares and rectangles. With in the narrow rectangles the DC Comics features. In the 4 large squares the Disney, Harvey, my product ideas and the group of companies I might have put together. One side of each planet has these countries in a Cross shape. The other side has the other land on a planet

-these are the features of one side of inhabited planets. 

-even if I don't own these companies the planets look like these

-the same miracles still apply for features like DC or Marvel landscapes

Friday, January 17, 2025


-I might really live at Stewart Island at the bottom of New Zealand. And the lowest inhabited place on Earth

-what people in Tauranga see of me might be a REFLECTION

-like the shape of New Zealand. The NORTH Island looks like Devil horns. The SOUTH Island looks like an Angel's dress. Lake Taupo in the middle of the North Island goes with Stewart Island


-I might have moved the real me to live there about the time about April 2024 I got a new set of Web Domain called kmatt1

-and was thinking my miracles might have been set off by the TV Production of Grease Live


-the movie poster. The two main stars a male and female. Embracing each other. Both in black singlets. With their arms around each other

-like a large poster I got when young

-that I put a red spot in the corner of her elbow

-I now see is like the slightly large pinkish lump on my left thigh

-Jesse WATKINS. As in the WATCHER

-the character I made up in 1991. Male. He or his outfit made of sack tied at the ends of limbs by rope

-then decades later I once 'saw' the same named figure in Revelations looking the same


-I might have moved the real version of me to live on Stewart Island then. Like the pinkish lump

-linked to at the end of 1990 while I was lying in bed in the dark. Out of the wall came an all black figure of a man carrying a silent dark electric chainsaw

Monday, January 13, 2025







-NAKED as a toddler



-maybe I have been splits coming out of me since Friday March 31st. One looking like comics creator Rob Liefeld in a He-Man costume

-the other looking like actor Kyle Lowder wearing a white towel around the waist

-at the base of the small mountain MAUAO as in MESSIAH

-I repeated over and over the line BOP BUP BUP

-as in GOD GOD GOD

-or each line with 6 sixes 'B' or 'p'

-I have sex with males and females, get both pregnant, married females, even young boys, use my miracle powers to cause them to have to raise their children. Maybe damn people cause trapped always bad lives etc

-BOP could stand for this as me in my real body. BUP could be me looking like Rob Liefeld in a split that comes out of me. BUP could be me looking like Kyle Lowder in a split that comes out of me

-about 1980 I saw an old slide of me. As a 1 or 2 year old. Showing me in full standing fully naked maybe in my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL Drive

-about 1975 I was in fields etc off the end of our Street James Cook Street. I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man

-one me naked. One skeleton bones. Maybe that says all my life. From me 'birthday suit' to my one day death. Splits come out of me

-looking like Christian 'Paredes'. And maybe with the personality I saw in him

-CHRISTIAN like I am like exceptional and Messiah like IMMANUEL to the MAX

-with MAXWELL / the powers I called Captain MARVEL. With Captain James Cook of the ENDEAVOUR. As in Rock of ETERNITY style arranged powers

-I went on a trip to the USA about 2000. In one night I got lost at each of three Washington DC MEMORIALS / MARVELS / MIRACLES

-maybe the splits coming out of me looking like Rob Liefeld, Kyle Lowder and Christian Paredes

-me these three

-getting off the Bus I repeated Bop Bup Bup as in bum bum bum. And then saw a couple looking like Binky and Lois Lane. My mother the Whore of Babylon?

-I start as these three when I was born

-until my ETERNITY. As I was getting back on the Bus to go home. A Mental Illness woman LYNETTE was GETTING OFF

-she looks slightly like the Wicked Witch

Thursday, January 9, 2025


-when she was young my mother Christine Margaret Ager

-tattooed 'CA' on her hand in a Sewing Room




-for his





-STAR WARS plans







-her married surname like SCORINGE





-Jesus Christ the MESSIAH

-as in MAUAO


-the mountain MAUAO looks like the HOURGLASS

-and MAUAO

-he is the same as Darth Vader


-me as splits coming out of me

-with the costume of HE MAN

-in the film MASTERS of the UNIVERSE


-and as splits coming out of me 

-with a white towel around my waist as a costume

-as in Augustus CAESAR

-it was him who called the Census that brought Joseph and Mary to BETHLEHEM

-like me called to go to the next town and the small mountain MAUAO 

-maybe since that day Friday March 31st 2017

-God and Jesus lost their power. I have been splits coming out of me looking like LIEFELD and LOWDER. And Jesus Christ as been the same as Darth Vader

-that day at Mauao I repeated over and over the line Bop Bup Bup

-maybe I stole the power of the Holy Trinity

-ROB Liefeld. I stole their power. KYLE Lowder. Selina KYLE a BURGLAR



-I was there at MARINE PARADE. As in ANAKIN SKYWALKER / Darth Vader

-I STARTED my powerful miracles. And on that date Friday March 31st 2017 Jesus Christ started as Darth Vader

-as I was heading home getting on the Bus at Mauao's base the woman LYNETTE ECOLES was getting off. Looking slightly like the WICKED WITCH in the 1930s Wizard of Oz film


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Who's Who

 -Anti-Christ- me I can do almost ANY miracle. I rule space with my miracles. Almost all of space right from the start. Effecting all areas. Controlling work, lifestyles etc. Maybe to almost all of space all along. People must follow my Government rules or their power stops until they do

-False Prophet- I am who really created the Universe. I created God and Heaven. I was stringing along God and Jesus Christ. Using them like a PUPPETEER. I did the main stages of Creation 

-Second Beast- my miracle lists I have been working on since November 18th 2020. The Second Beast's mighty miracles of 40 months. They are the main set up of space I want to create. No miracles virtually could be more powerful

-Destroyer- I by typing it in not deliberately trying to set it off. DESTROYED Jesus Christ's life. With a soap opera channel where he is the main villain. And trapping him in a Darth Vader armor where he must work like Darth Vader did

-Magog and Gog- two splits that come out of me every day. Looking like comic creator Rob Liefeld and actor Kyle Lowder. I can do any miracle except effect the afterlife or right close to Earth. I have been doing this since the end of March 2017 or all my life. At the base of mountain MAUAO repeating BOP BUP BUP and accessing the MESSIAH's power to be MAGOG and GOG

-Terminator- I sometimes can will to kill someone. Completely end them with no afterlife for them. I might have done this to half the history of space. Ones I feel for

-Damnation- I without trying caused the lives of the Royal family to be like the (Deathstroke) Terminator in DC Comics did to the New Teen Titans. Set their lives to always be tragedy after another. And keep splintering them turning themselves on each other. And when they die they go to about as much pain possible. Maybe in 1985 the day I had got home from a Psych Ward after breaking windows around local houses with an AXE and nearly hitting my grandmother on the head with it. My body started VIBRATING and I went BLIND for several seconds. Maybe connected to people trying to ignore a deal I might have done with 5th Century BRITON Warlord / King VOLIGERN. And make a possible son of mine King of BRITAIN because I was going to do a mass of miracles for them

-Watcher- a character I made up. His body or what he wore. Was sack all over him tied at the ends of limbs by rope. Later after making him up I once saw in Revelations it had a figure called the Watcher who looked just the same. Maybe WATCHER me the WITCH and WATCH the Days of our Lives channel. Erupting a massive volcano all over a country. To send out the miracles and channel. My TV series idea had the Watcher living on top of a small mountain. Around that a lot of small, white, wrecked spaceships that I saw in a dream. His outfit made of sack. His sack parts pulled in like the upper and lower chambers of a hourglass

Friday, January 3, 2025

Pyramid Power

  -in 1995 I sent two items to the FBI in case they were like proof of my paranormal experiences

-a US Dollar Note. With a pyramid on. The top point of it risen off. With an eye in the point

-a photocopy I made of an add in a Fitness magazine

-the feature page by Christian 'Paredes'

-I drew a line down the middle of the photocopied page

-and one side of his body looked different than the other

-more exceptional and Messiah like

 -the point of the pyramid risen above the rest's structure

-maybe saying you should try to follow the rest of the structure of my Government Rules


-maybe creating $12 or $50 million in one account of everyone turns lives in to PARADISE

-the risen point above the pyramid

-maybe saying adding the $50 million skyrockets economies 

-I once saw an old photo of my grandfather. He was a Soldier in WW2. In the sea in Egypt (PYRAMID). He had the water high around him. He had one foot above the waterline. Like the Pyramid on the dollar note. PYRAMIDS as in PARADISE

  -in about 1978 twice my grandparents took me to the next town of Mount Maunganui. Each time I saw something paranormal

-the first time on a vacant section a large Trailer Home sized FLYING SAUCER

-the second time. At the home of a family we only ever saw that time. A RICHIE RICH comic with a few hundred pages. It was never made

-the RICHIE RICH comic. Creating RICHES in a person's account creates more RICHES

-especially following the HIGH School Musical Suggestions for Governments. Like the comic had a FEW HUNDRED pages

-following the STRUCTURES of my idea. The Pyramid with the separated point and the man with the line drawn down the middle of his body

-the home with the comic we only ever SAW that family or that home that time. The Pyramid on the Dollar Note with an EYE on it

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Turn Turn Turn

-almost all life

-has three lives

-each real and they see their thoughts of all three lives at the same time

-they most times have their other lives existing in other versions of the Universes I designed

-they have their homes like the homes of each Universe 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Coming of the Terminators

 -in 1995 things had been building up

-me and my grandmother moved to a Retirement Apartment. I took a few trips to the biggest city Auckland for the day. I saw in a Fitness Magazine the man Christian Paredes. I ordered a few batches of Back Issue Comics from Mile High Comics. I misread a comic in their catalog. Legion of Super-Heroes 37. The death of the Earth-Prime (our Earth) Superboy valued at $37

-one day in the last few months of the year. I went to the Salvation ARMY and told the Minister I had concerns I messed up getting a Guide in life. Once in the ARMY from Mexico or Spain. Like the Terminators in films are part of a computer Army. When I got back that afternoon it looked like a short circuit on the tall grassy bank facing our apartment

-late that afternoon I was pacing around my bedroom daydreaming my father was Superman and he and his teenage sons looking like New Kids on the Block brothers Jordan and Jon Knight were harassing me by my mind

-NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK- like my ideal list of super hero powers. The first letter of each power is the first letter of once special themed ROOMS of my HOME

-NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK- like moving in to my home owning it in 2008 meant my magic was now real

-the PYRAMID image-as in looking exactly like Christian PAREDES

-suddenly I pictured in my thoughts an upside down PYRAMID with Superman in it in the middle of my wall. He started savagely harassing me

-as close to voices I have had

-I tried going to bed. I was thrown from my one side to the other a few times

-I tried cutting my WRIST but it didn't leave any real mark. The WATCHER. And NAILS in Jesus Christ on the Cross

-that night I went in to the local Psych Ward. The Staff there took my watch. When they gave it back the next day they didn't know why it was taken

-with the second day in that Ward I started to get the ideas I could do magic. That was at the end of 1995. It wasn't until early 2008 when I moved in to my own home I could do real magic


-I think maybe

-the falls of the 4 people I tried to use to cause key miracles to fix all lives over space

-maybe have been planned by God and Jesus Christ

-but especially by Christ

-Wonder Girl, Princess Projectra, Sandy and the man named World

-I was just realizing. Last year for a while I went to put a BISCUIT on a clothes dresser in my wardrobe

-even though I was a distance from it I caused a SMALL SPIDER on top of the dresser to jump

-the day at the Mount Surf Beach in 2017

-I repeated over the line BOP BUP BUP

-like in BUG or the SPIDER



-my earliest memory of coming in to live in our new home for the first time in JAMES COOK / JESUS COOK Street

-straight away I found a tin of Griffins SAMPLER / SPIDER biscuits in a lower kitchen cupboard

-while living in that home I once had a card that had a picture of COOKIE Bear on it. At the time the card almost looked like he was blackened and sinister looking 

-both Jesus Christ and God might be idiots and evil

-their matching appearances and anger when displeased

-on my right wrist are three parallel oven burn marks like-




-on top of my right arm a skin mark

-a spot shaped smiling face. Two dots for eyes. A dot for a nose. A curved line for a mouth. And a chip out of one edge of it

-in 1983 I tried to make up my own version of the 1940s DC Comics super-heroes team the Justice Society of America

-my first written comic idea

-I just drew it up on one sheet of kitchen GLAD WRAP paper

-I called the team NEW AGER HEROES (sounds like MATTHEW AGER). The glad wrap paper like TRACING PAPER. And they were COPIES of DC characters

-I set them on Earth-Zeo. Like in the 1960s DC Comics did Earth-One with updated versions of WW2 Earth-Two super-heroes

-I went as far back then as taking it to a Bank. It turned out the Bank Manager was the father of my friend KERRY LOCKHEART. When he asked me to take a seat I said Where to?

-the Bank was at the CHERRYWOOD Shops. As in SHARE CARE. Where I once saw a magazine Disco Special with DONNA Summer (DONNA Troy / Wonder Girl) on the cover. And there I bought a Superman comic The Man with the Kryptonite HEART



-all looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Are naked all the time

-their bodies restore and can turn in to almost anything

-they can split in to more versions of themselves

-they have sex and get people pregnant if they want

-keep the laws ideally with my list of Government rules

-they can create portals to places

-and can home in on things

-if places don't follow the rules their power ends until they do

-they all have miracle power

-but like my grandparents were looking at a unit. But I saw it would be far to SMALL for all their property. And the hall side door to the bedroom I would have had a LOCK was there

-they are unable to do or combine miracles that are derogatory to me

Never a Bad Moment

 -when the Staff of my Support Home told me my grandmother had died. I said Mum and started to cry. But that was all -the low point in my li...